
Types of people who should not own cats

Owning a cat has many benefits, including stress management, companionship, mental health improvement, etc. However, a few people should own a cat; depending on your personality, schedule, and financial status, you might be fit to own a cat or not be a good cat parent.  In this blog post, we discuss the people who should […]

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Why is my rabbit losing weight so much?

Weight loss among rabbits is due to two reasons: Hepatic coccidiosis, worms, stress, dental problems, overgrown teeth, and underfeeding commonly cause weight loss in rabbits. In this blog, we discuss the causes, treatments, and prevention of weight loss among rabbits and how to tell if your rabbit has lost weight. How do I tell if […]

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Top signs your cat likes and trusts you.

Cats do not talk, so how do I know if my cat loves me? Cats express love and trust to humans in several ways, i.e., kneading, purring, bunting you with their head and tail base, allowing you to groom them, bringing you presents, etc. Respond positively to your cat when he or she shows love […]

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Why is my rabbit losing its fur?

Is your rabbit losing hair on his legs and head? Get to know the causes and treatment of hair loss among rabbits. Loss of fur among rabbits is commonly caused by diseases, e.g., mange, nutritional deficiencies, stress, pregnancy, inbreeding, hormonal imbalances, etc. It’s normal for a rabbit to shed, but no bald skin patches should […]

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What does the cat do the whole day?

How do cats view humans? Cats see humans as big, uncoordinated cats. But what matters most to them is the love and care you give them. A typical day for your cat A cat’s day is occupied with many activities, i.e., grooming, sleeping, hunting, playing, feeding, roaming, scratching, observing, etc. Sleeping is the most enjoyable […]

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Treatment and control of common rabbit diseases in Uganda

Are you a rabbit farmer tired of losing rabbits to preventable diseases? Get a simple solution for the common rabbit disease in Uganda. With an increased demand for white meat in Uganda, rabbit meat provides a delicious and nutritious alternative. The number of rabbits increased from 373,200 (2008) to 2.2 million (2021). Diseases, deaths, and […]

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Dog bites in Uganda, all life-saving details covered!!

Has a dog bitten you? Rush to the nearest health facility to get post-exposure rabies shots. With many stray dogs in Uganda, dog bites are common, mostly among kids and drunkards. Handle all bites from stray dogs as a bite from a rabid dog, and you should immediately seek treatment from a nearby health facility. […]

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What is the best first aid for dogs in Uganda?

Is your dog injured, poisoned, or bitten by a snake? Get the simplest first aid to give to your dog as you prepare for a vet visit. First aid is the immediate treatment or things done to stop, reduce, or alleviate the disease or conditions in your dog. First aid temporarily relieves your pet as […]

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Common parasites among pets (dogs and cats) in Uganda

Pets in Uganda are affected by ecto and endoparasites. i.e., endoparasites such as worms. Ectoparasites include ticks, fleas, mites, louse, and myiatic larvae. In this blog post, we list the common parasites among dogs and cats in Uganda, how to prevent or treat them, and the best drugs available for parasites among pets. Are parasites […]

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Pet health certificate for cats and dogs in Uganda

What you need to know about pet certificates for dogs and cats as a pet parent in Uganda as you prepare to travel aboard What is a pet health certificate? It is a document issued by a licensed veterinarian showing the health state of your pet that certifies your pet fit or unfit for travel. […]

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