Why is my rabbit losing weight so much?

bunny, rabbit, grass

Weight loss among rabbits is due to two reasons:
  1. Decreased or no food intake
  2. Failure of the body to use the food. 

Hepatic coccidiosis, worms, stress, dental problems, overgrown teeth, and underfeeding commonly cause weight loss in rabbits.

In this blog, we discuss the causes, treatments, and prevention of weight loss among rabbits and how to tell if your rabbit has lost weight.

How do I tell if my rabbit is too skinny?

It’s difficult to detect weight loss in hairy rabbits unless the owners regularly touch them. 

The best ways to detect weight loss are:

Routine weighing of your rabbit

Sunken abdomen 

Prominent bones, i.e., the backbone, pelvic bone, and ribs, are easily felt on touch

What are the common causes of bonny rabbits?

Emaciation among rabbits is caused by several factors, which include:

Hepatic coccidiosis


Fleas and mite infestation

Dental problems

Wounds or ulcers in the mouth

Overgrown teeth



Unbalanced diet


Liver and kidney disease

Painful conditions, i.e., wounds or fractures that put rabbits off food

Bacterial or viral infections

Old age 


Contaminated feeds (moldy feeds)

Poor hygiene 

Selective Focus Photography Of White Rabbit
How can I treat weight loss in my rabbits?

First, establish the primary cause of weight loss before implementing any treatment protocol.

The commonly prescribed medications and management practices include: 

Routine deworming

Vaccinate against vaccinatable diseases.

Routine trimming of the teeth

Keep rabbits in individual cages.

Give enough food to your rabbits

Feed a balanced diet.

Proper hygiene

Get rabbits from reputable sources.

Anticoccidial drugs 




Weigh your rabbit two times a month to easily detect weight loss in the early stages when the condition hasn’t been exacerbated.

Beige Rabbit Resting on Green Grasses during Daytime

Read about causes and treatment of bloat among rabbits.

Read about the most common diseases among rabbits in Uganda and their treatment

Read the causes and treatments of hair loss among rabbits

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