Why does my parrot have diarrhea?

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Is it normal for a parrot to pass out watery stool? Find out

Parrots are active and playful pets; however, if your parrot has diarrhea, he loses a lot of minerals, nutrients, and water, making your parrot weak and unlively.

In this blog post, we answer the common questions parrot owners usually ask about the diarrhea in their parrots.

What is the normal color of parrot poop?

Greenish-brown, but the color varies based on the diet of the parrot.

Is it normal for my parrot to eat its poop?

It is abnormal and indicates underfeeding, nutritional deficiency, or behavior problems.

How do I know if my parrot has diarrhea?

The following are common signs of diarrhea in parrots:

Feathers around the vent are coated with feces.

Frequent defecation

Watery poop

Sunken eyes


Loss of weight

What are the common causes of diarrhea in parrots?


A sudden change of food

Contaminated food

Ingestion of toxins

Feeding your parrot a lot of fresh vegetables

Calcium and vitamin deficiency

Tumors in the digestive system

Liver and kidney failure


Viral infections, such as Newcastle disease

Bacterial infections such as psittacosis, salmonellosis, E. coli, etc.




Poor hygiene

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How can I stop diarrhea in my parrot?

Before implementing any treatment plan, establish the cause of diarrhea in your parrot.

The commonly prescribed management and treatment protocols for diarrhea in parrots include:

Routine deworming and vaccination



Provide a balanced diet for your parrot.

Activated charcoal

Environmental enrichment

Proper hygiene

Provide clean water 24/7.

Do not salt your parrot’s food.

In conclusion

The prognosis for most common diseases in parrots is good if diagnosed and treated early.

Report any abnormalities in your parrot to the nearby veterinarian. 

Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations on the current state of your pet 
Don’t forget to read the related posts below and share them with other responsible pet owners.

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Read about signs of illness in a parrot

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Read about the most common diseases for parrots in Uganda

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