Dog love has drastically surged in Uganda. With more exposure and increased literacy, the loyalty and impact of dogs as pets have been felt by a large number of people in Uganda, mostly in the city centers.
As a responsible dog parent, you must know the common killer diseases for dogs in Uganda and how to prevent them to enable your pet to live a long, happy, and healthy life.
Most of the common diseases for dogs in Uganda are infectious and contagious. The good news is that these diseases have many ways to be prevented.
In this post, we discuss the common killer dog diseases, their signs, and how to prevent them.
Stay reading.
Parvovirosis is a contagious viral disease whose treatment is symptomatic and supportive but not specific. Parvo causes vomiting, anorexia, bloody diarrhea, anemia, and abdominal pain in dogs. it’s a bad dream for vets, dog breeders, and anyone in the dog industry. It’s so hurting to see any puppy go through the trauma of parvo
Parvo can be prevented by vaccination, ensure it’s done by a professional vet doctor at the right time. However, vaccination against parvo does not provide 100% surety that your pet is protected against parvo.
Cases of parvo vaccination failure are high; even after vaccination, keep a close eye on your beloved puppy.
A lot of people (vets, dog breeders, and dog parents) surrendered to parvo vaccination because even after following the right vaccination schedule, the puppies still get parvo.
But it should be carefully noted that the chances of survival for vaccinated dogs are far higher than those of unvaccinated dogs after getting parvo.
Please vaccinate your puppies against parvo following the right vaccination schedule. Do not wait to be sorry.
Is a zoonotic bacterial disease that spreads from dogs to humans. Dogs get leptospirosis via ingestion of contaminated water, food, and licking beddings and soil. The contamination is from urine, poop, the blood of an infected dog, and urine from a rat.
Fever, lethargy, anemia, vomiting, and diarrhea are the common symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs.
Routine vaccination against leptospirosis and getting rid of rats are the best prevention formulas for leptospirosis.
The vaccine is available on the Ugandan market, commonly referred to as a dog cocktail. The diluent for the dog cocktail vaccine contains the leptospira vaccine.
Is a condition that occurs when a dog is fed food contaminated with aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are chemical substances produced by molds.
Aflatoxicosis is mostly chronic; it develops over a long period and is commonly diagnosed in old dogs. Poor storage and buying of contaminated food is the major source of aflatoxins in dogs.
How to tell if the food of your dog is contaminated with aflatoxins
The presence of molds (black hair-like growths) on the food
Change in color, smell, and texture
Food is more moist.
How to prevent aflatoxicosis in dogs
Buy dog food from only trusted sources.
Feed your dog fresh home-cooked food.
Do not keep the packed or stocked dog food directly on the floor; put it on wooden pallets.
Dog food should be kept in a link-proof place.
Never give your dog food with mold.
Do not leave the sack or bag with dog food open; properly tie it after expelling all the air.
Tick fever
Is a term used to describe a group of diseases spread to dogs by ticks (tick-borne diseases).
The common diseases spread by ticks to dogs in Uganda are canine anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis. They are highly fatal diseases if left untreated.
- The presence of ticks on your dog does not certify that he or she has tick fever, but it should never be taken lightly to seek vet care.
- The number of ticks on a dog has a lower correlation with tick-borne disease. e.g., a dog that has only one infected tick will suffer from tick fever, while a dog that has many uninfected ticks will not suffer from tick-borne diseases. (Never ignore the impact of a tick on your dog’s life before getting a professional view).
Signs of tick fever.
The presence of ticks on a dog or its environment
Pale mucous membranes
Swollen lymph nodes, etc.
Worm infestation (helminthiasis)
Worms are a silent killer of puppies in Uganda. It’s highly underestimated by dog owners. Most people in the dog industry start deworming puppies at 3 months, which is wrong. By 3 months, the puppy would have accumulated a fatal number of worms.
Talk with your local veterinarian to design a deworming schedule suitable for your pets. Dogs are mostly affected by roundworms and tapeworms.
Ensure routine deworming; it’s so shameful to lose a gorgeous puppy to worms. Be a responsible, caring, and loving dog parent. Get the deworming schedule for dogs or puppies in Uganda
Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations
Don’t forget to read the related posts below and share them with other responsible pet owners.
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Vaccination schedule for dogs (puppies) in Uganda
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