What Is The Best Treatment For Parvo Among Puppies In Uganda?

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Best Treatment For Parvo Among dogs In Uganda?

Parvo is the most deadly disease for dogs (mostly puppies) in Kampala, Uganda.

Most of the practicing vets in Kampala have encountered multiple cases of parvo among puppies.

The major signs of parvo in puppies are lack of appetite, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. However, there are many conditions that present with similar symptoms; consult a nearby vet for a professional diagnosis.

It’s so painful to see your beloved puppy vomit and defecate blood. Parvo is a nightmare for dog breeders, vets, and pet owners.

In this blog, we fully cover the treatment protocol used by vets that has helped puppies recover from parvo.

Do puppies suffering from parvo survive?

Yes, puppies suffering from parvo can get healed. But the survival rate is high for puppies that were vaccinated, those that got professional medical attention early, and those without any other underlying disease condition.

 (Contact +2567719099946, call, or WhatsApp for quick medical attention for your pet.

For the unvaccinated, those who delay getting professional medical attention, and those with other underlying disease conditions, the survival rate is very low.

How is parvo treated?

Parvo is a viral disease that has no specific treatment. Its treatment is supportive and symptomatic.

Symptomatic treatment: it’s treatment given to stop or reduce the presenting signs. e.g. If the puppy is vomiting, it is given drugs that reduce or stop vomiting.

Supportive treatment: treatment given with the main aim of boosting the immune system of the puppy. e.g., immune boosters, probiotics, and multivitamins, e.t.c.

The vet will always select the best treatment protocol depending on how sick the puppy is. But the most commonly used drugs are:

IV fluids (dextrose, ringers, and normal saline) help to rehydrate the puppy, especially those who vomit and have diarrhea. 

Anti-inflammatory drugs (pain killers): the parvo virus attacks body cells and causes damage (inflammation) to them. Anti-inflammatory drugs are given to reduce or stop inflammation or pain.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics can be given in the mouth of the dog if it is not vomiting or via injection. Antibiotics help combat bacterial infections that result from a weakened immune system caused by parvovirus.

Antiemetics: these are given to stop or reduce vomiting.

Anti-diarrheal drugs are given to stop or reduce diarrhea.

Iron can be given via mouth if the dog is not vomiting or by injection to help in the process of restoring the lost red blood cells (blood).

Vets might add on a couple of more drugs if there is any other underlying medical condition, e.g. worms or ulcers. e.t.c

Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations 
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