Causes and Treatments of Vomiting Among Dogs in Uganda

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Causes and Treatments of Vomiting Among Dogs in Uganda

9 out of 10 dogs experience vomiting in their lifetime in Uganda. Cases of vomiting are the most commonly reported health challenge by pet owners to vets in Kampala. Veterinarians who provide mobile vet services find some challenges when managing vomiting in cases that need follow-up tablets. (The dog can puke the drugs when given.) 

Never should any responsible pet owner underestimate the effect of throwing up in their dog’s. Dogs that are puking are prone to dehydration and can easily succumb to death.

In this blog post, we exhaustively cover the causes and treatments of throwing up in dogs.

Why is my dog throwing up?

Puking in dogs is an indicator of stomach and intestinal disorders (gastrointestinal impairments). There are many causes of stomach and intestinal disorders; to come to the exact cause, you might need a professional veterinary doctor.

We shall list the common causes of vomiting in dogs, which are mostly encountered by our vets in the field. These include:

Abrupt change of food

Eating poison


Ingestion of foreign bodies

Viral infections (parvovirosis)

Bacterial infections

Allergies from drugs, food, and any other substances in the environment.

Liver disease

Kidney disease

Other uncommon causes of vomiting include:


Twisting of the stomach and intestines

Uremic syndrome



Diabetes mellitus

Exercising immediately after feeding

Middle ear infection

Motion sickness

Head injuries

Heat stroke

Hormonal imbalances



How can I stop my dog from vomiting?

First, establish the primary cause of vomiting in your dog before trying any medications. Giving home remedies without ascertaining the exact cause of vomiting in your dog might worsen the situation.

Never give any medications to your dog based on your personal assumptions. Please seek guidance from a nearby vet doctor. Commonly prescribed drugs include:








IV fluids for dehydrated dogs

Surgical interventions

Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations 
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