On April 8, 2023, the vet doctors in charge of house call went to attend to “KUKI” a five-months-old parrot that presented with the clinical signs below: abnormal twisting of the neck, anorexia, and greenish diarrhea.
RESULTS FROM PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Cloacal temperature of 40.3°C, heart rate of 280 bpm, respiratory rate of 33 bpm, pale mucous membranes, excessive lacrimation, ruffled feathers, soiled vent.
CAUSES OF NECK TWISTING IN PARROTS: Involuntary movement of the neck is due to brain, muscle, and nerve impairment. Disease(s) or condition(s) that affect the brain, muscles of the neck, and nerves can lead to twisting of the neck. These include:
Vitamin E, magnesium, thiamine, and selenium deficiency
Newcastle disease,
Bacterial and viral encephalitis
Cerebellar hypoplasia
Ear canal infections
Trauma to the brain, muscles, and nerves
Genetic disorder
Avian botulism
Avian listeriosis
What does neck twisting look like in parrots?
The parrot performs uncontrolled movement of the neck either sideways, up, or downwards. However, torticollis in parrots should be differentiated from normal movement of the neck.
The differences between neck twisting and normal movement of the neck are:
Abnormal movement of the neck( twisting of the neck) | Normal movement of the neck |
Unpurposeful | Purposeful for feeding, grooming, pecking, or responding to stimuli |
Involuntary | Voluntary |
Involves vigorous shaking of the head | Head is moved gently |
Performed at irregular intervals | Performed at specific intervals depending on the need. |
The parrot does not respond to any other stimuli unless the movement is ended. | The movement can be stopped when other stimuli are received |
How to prevent neck twisting in parrots
Proper feed rationing
Vaccinate against vaccinatable diseases.
Proper sanitation.
Avoid inbreeding.
Ensure environmental enrichment.
Avoid mixing parrots of the same sex.
Avoid mixing parrots of different ages and sizes.
Proper stocking density, mostly for parrot breeders
How can I treat neck twisting in my parrot?
First, establish the primary cause to select the right treatment protocol.
Give antibiotics with small molecules that can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Administer anti-inflammatory drugs.
Give multivitamins and minerals in the right and required amounts.
Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations on the current state of your pet
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