Do puppies die of teething in Uganda?
Teeth eruption is commonly known as teething (growth of new teeth or replacement of baby teeth).
Teething is the process of replacing puppy teeth with permanent or adult teeth in dogs.
Teething starts from 2 months to 3 months for the puppy or deciduous teeth. Permanent teeth erupt between 3 and 7 months in dogs.
The puppy teeth are small, slightly soft, and less sharp to avoid damage to the mother’s teats during breastfeeding. Permanent teeth are big, sharp, and harder to enable the dog eat solid foods.
Many vets in Kampala, Uganda, have often encountered the fallacy, both in the literate and the illiterate,that teething kills puppies. The locals believe that puppies swallow the removed teeth, which go to the stomach and cause damage.
In this article, we exhaustively cover everything you need to know about tooth eruptions in dogs.
Does teething kill puppies?
No, it doesn’t kill puppies. But it can be a predisposing factor to death among unvaccinated and unhealthy puppies. But in vaccinated puppies with good health, teething has a negligible impact on their lives.
N.B., but it should be noted that the death rate among dogs in the teething stage is high (why?).
Why is the death rate high among teething puppies?
Stress: teething is a stressful condition. Stress suppresses (decreases) the immune system. With a low immune system, infections like parvo and bacterial infections can take the opportunity to invade the body.
Biting on different materials that might be contaminated: unlike humans who use hands to gently shake out the baby teeth, dogs can’t do that; they improvise with biting on materials, e.g., saddles, wood, shoes, e.t.c. Some of these materials are contaminated with germs.
Infection of the wound: teething creates small wounds on and in the gum. Puppies left to bite on unhygienic materials develop gingivitis that can claim its life if left untreated. E.t.c
How can I make my puppy survive during teething time?
Visit a nearby veterinarian to design the best survival protocol for your dog according to its lifestyle, or call or WhatsApp +256771909946 for help.
These are the commonly prescribed recommendations by most vets to enable your pet to survive death during teething.
Routine vaccination: follow the right vaccination schedule from your vet.
Regular deworming. Get the deworwing schedule for puppies and dogs in Uganda
Give immune boosters regularly.
Ensure proper feeding.
Provide clean toys for your puppy.
Keep the puppy’s environment clean 24/7.
Eliminate all the stress factors in a puppy’s life.
Where do the removed or replaced teeth go?
Most fall out of the mouth to the environment. (Some are retained in the materials puppies bite on.)
The others are swallowed by the puppy, but it should never worry you. The chances of causing damage to a healthy puppy are almost zero.
What can I do for the gum wounds created by teething among puppies?
For healthy puppies, the wounds will heal on their own with no medication used.
For infected wounds and unhealthy puppies, painkillers and antibiotics might be necessary, but visit a nearby veterinarian to assess the necessity.
Is teething painful for puppies?
Yes, it is. The pain is bearable for healthy puppies; however, for poorly-cared for puppies, the pain can have a negative impact on their lives.
Can my puppy bleed to death after or during teething?
No, it cannot unless your baby has other underlying health issues that affect the clotting system. The body-clotting system will stop the bleeding in a few seconds.
Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations
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