Causes and Treatment of Intestinal Adhesion in Dogs

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Causes, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment of intestinal adhesions in dogs.
Clinical history:

“MAJOR, a 2-year-old terrier, was brought to the clinic to receive veterinary treatment, and he presented with the following clinical signs: abdominal pain, inappetence, lateral recumbency, lethargy, emesis, polydipsia, intermittent diarrhea, and arched back.

The diagnostic tests were ran, and their results included:

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: heart rate 139 bpm, respiratory rate 28 breaths per minute, abdominal pain on palpation, pale mucous membranes, dry muzzle, anal temperature 38.7°C, body condition score of 2/5

TOTAL BLOOD PICTURE: neutrophilia, decreased red blood cells, high fibrinogen.

X-ray and CT scan: no abnormality was revealed.

A team of three senior veterinary doctors at the clinic sat with the owner and agreed to do an exploratory laparotomy to find the exact pathology.

Laparotomy revealed intestinal adhesions and flecks of fibrin in the peritoneum. Different segments of the intestines were attached to the abdominal wall and each other.

The intestines were surgically separated from each other and the abdominal wall. Flecks of fibrin were collected from the peritoneum. The surgical site was closed, and now “MAJOR” has a happy, pain-free life.

Causes of Intestinal Adhesion in Dogs.

Congenital defects: some dogs have genes that predispose them and their offspring to intestinal adhesions.

Acquired: adhesions of the intestines to each other and the abdominal wall are caused by fibrin in the peritoneal cavity. The inflammatory and healing processes of the body produce fibrin. Conditions that lead to fibrin deposition in the peritoneum include:




Presence of foreign particle(s) in the peritoneum

Autoimmune reactions


Infectious diseases

Clinical Presentation of Intestinal Adhesion in Dogs.

The clinical signs presented by the dog vary depending on the primary cause, part of the intestine affected, severity, and progress of the condition. These include:




Swollen abdomen

Abdominal pain



Dry muzzle

Loss of body weight  

Rough hair coat, etc.

Treatment of Intestinal Adhesions in Dogs.

First, establish and eliminate the primary cause.

Surgically separate the intestines from the points of attachment.

Collect out all the flecks of fibrin and lavage the peritoneum.

Administer broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Administer anti-inflammatory drugs.

Mild intestinal adhesion in dogs is a serious, debilitating condition. It interferes with proper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) functioning; however, its conclusive diagnosis is difficult unless it causes significant changes in the GIT that can be detected by x-ray or CT scan.

Severe intestinal adhesions should be treated as emergency cases; they result in intestinal strangulation and obstruction. It is easily diagnosed using X-rays and CT scans and presents with a swollen portion of the intestine filled with either ingesta or air.

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