How much do vets in Kampala,Uganda charge to fix a female dog? (contact our vet to get your dog spayed Call or WhatsApp +256771909946)
Spaying, or dog sterilization (ovariohysterectomy), is the act of removing the reproductive system of a female animal.
It can either involve the removal of only the ovaries (ovariectomy) or the ovaries and uterine horns (ovariohysterectomy). Each procedure is effective in controlling unwanted pregnancy in a dog.
Your veterinarian will always decide on the most appropriate procedure for your beloved pet.
At what age should I spay or sterilize my dog?
Generally, it’s highly recommended to spay dogs at 6 months of age and older.
Talk to your vet to determine the best time to spay your furry friend.
What are the benefits of spaying or sterilizing a dog for both the owner and the pet?
Prevents unplanned pregnancies
Prevents uterine infection
Increases the life expectancy of a dog
Reduces the likelihood of dogs getting separation anxiety or fearful behavior
Avoid swing moods and undesirable behaviors dogs get during the heat cycle.
Prevents the heat cycles in dogs (most dogs release drops of blood from the reproductive system, which is unpleasant to most of the pet parents)
Disadvantages of spaying or sterilizing a dog
Increases the risk of obesity. Spayed dogs have a reduction in metabolism due to reduced activity.
Urinary incontinence is mainly in middle-aged and old dogs.
Surgical risks involved, some dogs might not make it through the surgery, mainly due to anesthetics or bleeding disorders.
If spayed too early, before complete bone growth, sterilization can increase the risk of knee injury (cruciate ligament tear).
Abrupt change in behavior
Factors that determine the cost of dog spay
Size of the dog. The bigger the dog, the more drugs and materials are used on them by the vet, and the higher the vet bill.
Any underlying complications that the veterinarian must attend to during spay surgery, e.g., removal of breast cancer and history of bleeding disorder.
Postoperative care given to your pet
The number of days the pet is to stay at the vet clinic
Price ranges for spaying or sterilizing a dog in Uganda
Cost of spaying only (no consultation and postoperative care)
250,000shs ($66) – 650,000shs ($171) The range caters for small and large dogs.
Costs of spaying, consultation, and postoperative care
350,000shs ($92) – 1.8M ($472)
What does postoperative care include?
Elizabethan collar
Wound spray
Removal of stitches
Leaving the pet at the vet clinic for approximately 5 to 21 days. Under vet care.
Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations
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