Foods or fruits that are poisonous to dogs in Uganda

dog, meal, food bowl-2210717.jpg

Toxic foods to dogs in Uganda
Do you share meals with your dogs? Is it healthy for your dog, or are you unknowingly killing your dog?

Most dog parents share meals with their dogs as a sign of love, affection, and care.

However, dogs are carnivores, while humans are omnivores; therefore, the dietary requirements for dogs are different from those of humans.

Dogs cannot digest most human foods because they miss some enzymes that humans have. Your dog may suffer immediate harm or long-term damage from the undigested food in its stomach.

What you should never feed your dog?

Some foods or fruits listed below may seem fine for your dog because they have been eating them for a long time and nothing wrong has ever happened.

But remember that some of the foods listed do not immediately cause damage to the dog’s body since they are usually given in small quantities. Their effect on the dog’s health is seen in the latter stages of the dog’s life when the damage is irreversible.

These foods include:




Apple seeds



Alcoholic drinks



Sweetened baked products (cakes, bread, etc.)


Macadamia nuts 

Energy drinks





Tomato and potato leaves and stems

Yeast and raw dough


Mustard seeds


What can you do if your dog has eaten poisonous food or fruits?

Immediately withdraw the food.

Give your dog activated charcoal.

Get your dog to the closest veterinarian as soon as possible if he or she shows any abnormalities, such as vomiting or diarrhea.

We urge pet parents to feed their dogs what they need, not what the dog loves.

Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations on the current state of your pet 
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