How much does it cost to treat parvo in Uganda for puppies or dogs?
Parvo is the most common disease diagnosed by vet doctors in Uganda among puppies. It affects dogs across all age groups, but mostly puppies, due to their low immune systems.
How is parvo treated in dogs?
The treatment for parvo is non-specific (supportive and symptomatic treatment). Involves use of a couple of drugs, e.g., antibiotics, multivitamins, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Read about the best treatment for parvo
Contact our vet to get your puppy treated for parvovirosis.
Call or WhatsApp +256771909946
How can I tell if my puppy has parvo?
How do vets diagnose parvo in dogs?
1: Most cases are diagnosed based on clinical signs, e.g., bloody diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, lethargy, swollen lymph nodes, abdominal pain, and a history of no vaccination against parvo for that puppy.
2: Using Rapid test kits: They are quite rare in Uganda; very few vet doctors use them to diagnose parvo in dogs. They are pricey and difficult to get in most of the drug shops. A fecal sample is used.
What do veterinary doctors base on to bill parvo treatment in dogs?
Veterinarians base on several factors to come up with a bill for parvo treatment. These include:
- The severity of parvo in the affected puppy: puppies that are badly off are more expensive than the mildly affected puppies. Badly off puppies present with bloody diarrhea, a low body temperature, a lot of vomiting, being unable to walk or stand, and anemia. Severely affected puppies are more expensive because vets have to use a couple of more drugs in such cases.
- Number of days the puppy was or is to be admitted. The longer the days of admission, the higher the vet bill.
- Mobile vet services or stationary vet services: For parvo cases that need follow-up, it’s highly recommended to use stationary veterinary services (veterinary clinic or hospital). Mobile vets will charge for transport, home call fee, and consultation fees on top of the money for drugs.
But if taken to a vet clinic or hospital, charges for transport and home call fees will be avoided, and fees will be lower.
- The number of puppies presented by the owner to be treated: some vet clinics or doctors can give a discount if the puppies seeking veterinary attention are many, e.g., dog breeders.
- Size of the puppy: big puppies are slightly more expensive than small puppies (why?). In veterinary practice, the dose of drugs given to an animal depends on its body weight. The bigger the puppy, the higher the dose and the bill.
- Presence of another underlying health complication, e.g., worms, mange, tick fever, e.t.c. Can make the bill high.
- Brand of the drugs used by the veterinarian: vets who use brands from Europe and the USA are slightly more expensive (why?). European and USA brands are more costly at drug shops or stores compared to other brands. The initial investment for vets with European and USA brands is higher; therefore, his or her charges will be higher to cater for the costs of the drugs used.
What is the cost or price of parvo treatment in Uganda?
None-admission cases or home-call treatment (if it’s one-off with no follow-up)
This treatment for parvo is done by a mobile vet at your place or where the dog is. The estimated cost given is for a single treatment (the vet comes to your place once and is not expected to come back or do follow-up unless agreed upon).
The estimated costs given below include (consultation fee, home call fee, price of the drugs given.
Transport fees are not included; they depend on the distance between the vet and where treatment is to be done, mode of transport the vet is using e.g., car, motorcycle, or walkable distance.
The price range is 150,000 Ugandan shillings ($41) to 300,000 Ugandan shillings ($79) per puppy.
The range depends on how much the vet charges for home call, consultation, and the number of drugs used.
Admission cases (puppy is brought and treated at the veterinary facility):
What is the cost of admitting a puppy suffering from parvo?
The estimated costs below include consultation, feeding, admission fee, and drugs used or to be used.
The price range is 300,000 Ugandan shillings ($82) to 1.5 million Ugandan shillings ($394) per puppy. The range varies based on the number of days for admission, drugs used, type of the food puppy eats, e.t.c.  Â
Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations
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thanks for enlighten us
At least I have go more idea on the charges. please create one for spaying, vaccination and castration charges.
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