Top common questions to vets by cat owners

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Do you know that cats sleep for 12–18 hours a day? 

You are seated peacefully with your cat at home, but out of the blue, you get many unanswered questions about your cat.

We address common questions cat owners have for veterinarians in the consultation room.

Yes, they are supposed to get a couple of shots to protect them against killer diseases.

Depending on your culture, black cats can be a sign of good or bad luck; either way, both beliefs are superstitions and lack scientific roots.

No, it can’t. During hissing, cats release moistened air from their mouths, telling you to back off, but it cannot cause any damage to your eyes.

Yes, cats can be trained like dogs, but it takes extra patience and time compared to dogs. Cats do not easily follow commands.

  • Worms
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Behavioral problems

Yes, it is possible if they are introduced to each other at a younger age.

  • Comb your cat daily. 
  • Regular grooming
  • Control ectoparasites

Start at a younger age for old cats; it’s nearly impossible.

  • Regularly brush their teeth three times a week.
  • Provide dental treats and chewing toys.
  • Provide drinking water 24/7.
  • Proper feeding.

Cats are carnivores. Carnivores eat meat.

  • Keep them engaged and comfortable indoors.
  • Sterilize your cat.

Cats do well with babies. It’s rare for a cat to injure babies.

After every 3–5 months, the frequency varies depending on breed, season, etc.

Once a month, the frequency varies depending on breed, season, etc.

No, he won’t; animals do not live in the past. After injections, give him some treats and let him relax for 3-5 minutes. After that, everything will be back to normal.

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  • Giving anti-kitten shots
  • Spaying

12–18 hours per day

  • Sleeping
  • Hunting
  • Scratching
  • Sunbathing
  • Being petted

You can’t; scratching is normal for cats. However, cuts to your skin can be avoided by keeping their nails short and providing scratching posts.

Cats have papillae (thorn-like sutures) on their tongues that help to move food to the back of the tongue for swallowing.

Meowing is a form of communication by cats to humans; therefore, it’s up to you as a cat parent to figure out what your cat is telling you. Cats do not meow to fellow cats; it’s only to humans.

Yes, they do provide fresh, clean water to your cat 24/7.

Solid light brown may vary depending on what you feed your cat.

It should be twice as big as the cat.

Meat- and fish-based treats

A sign of affection and love

By touching their nose

Cats originated in deserts where contact with water is minimal.

Cats know their names 100%, but they just ignore you.

Cats have better vision than humans in dark places, but that does not mean they can see in complete darkness.

Creme Puff lived for 38 years and 3 days.

Cats do not taste sweetness; they are the only mammals that lack the sweet gene.

Yes, you can, but start at a younger age to get used.

Stay in touch with your local veterinarian; with proper communication, you can provide the best vet care for your beloved meow.

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Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations on the current state of your pet 
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  1. What are the most common cat diseases in Uganda? | Cats SUPERIOR ANIMAL CLINIC

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