If you want everlasting joy, adopt a dog.
Adopting a dog means accepting a dog as part of your family out of love or help. The dog is from a shelter or rescue center. You want a dog to have a better life.
Do you have any plans to adopt a dog in Uganda? Read this before making a final decision.
What is the best age to adopt a dog in Uganda?
After weaning (3 months and onwards),
What do I need to adopt a dog in Uganda?
- Identification details, e.g., national ID, passport
- Ability to provide the dog with its necessities.
Can shelter dogs in Uganda make good pets or companions?
Yes, they make good pets, as long as you are a good and responsible dog parent.
Where do shelters get dogs from?
From streets, poor communities with high dog populations, other shelters or rescue centers that have closed, good samaritan people who bring sick dogs to shelters, etc.
Is adoption free of charge in Uganda?
Most dogs are free, except for a few that are spayed, castrated, or had costly procedures done on them. You are required to pay a few pennies for the dog.
However, even if you get a dog for free, it’s logical to donate some money to support the activities at the shelter
After adopting a dog, do shelters cover vet bills if the dog falls ill?
No, they do not; if you adopt a dog, you are responsible for all the vet bills.
Can the shelters remove the adopted dog from me?
Yes, they can, if you fail to give the dog the life he deserves or violate the MOU.
Can I be denied a dog for adoption at the shelters in Uganda?
Yes, not every person who goes to the shelter is eligible to adopt a dog.
Common reasons for denying you a dog for adoption at a shelter
- History of anti-animal welfare activities.
- Financially unstable to care for the dog’s needs
- Failure to provide a strong reason why you should adopt a dog.
- Your occupation, e.g., dog breeder’s, dog butcher’s, etc.
Common questions asked by shelters before giving you a dog to adopt
- Why do you want to adopt a dog?
- Are you a first-time dog parent?
- Your marital status
- Are other family members ready to accept a dog as a family member?
- Your occupation
- Is your home dog-friendly?
Do shelter dogs have special needs?
Some do, ask the caretakers for all the needs of the dog you have selected.
Can I return the dog to the shelter if it’s incompatible with family members?
- Yes, you can, but it is awful. As a dog parent, you must correct those unwanted behaviors for your baby.
- Consult the nearby dog behaviorist or trainer.
- No human is 100% perfect, and neither are dogs.
What can I do if the adopted dog starts to misbehave?
- Consult the previous caretakers at the shelter to learn how they used to deal with such behaviors.
- Consult a dog behaviorist or trainer.
Do I permanently own the adopted dog, or can the shelter pick him up anytime?
- For most shelters, you permanently own the adopted dog if you give it what it needs.
- It depends on the MOU you had with the shelter.
Can I export the adopted dog to my home country? (from Uganda to Europe)
Yes, you can, but first, inform the shelter about your plans.
How long does it take for the adopted dog to get used to me and the new home?
Approximately 7–30 days
Are shelter dogs vaccinated?
Yes, ask for the vaccination card.
What can I feed my adopted dog?
Continue with the same food he has been eating at the shelter; if you want to change his food, make it gradually.
How often should I donate to the shelter?
As much as you can, depending on your income level, it can be weekly, monthly, or annually.
What do shelters use donations for?
- To pay rent, workers, electricity, water, and repair cages.
- Buy dog food, drugs, vaccines, fuel, etc.
What can I do if I get broke after adopting a dog?
Immediately take the dog back to the shelter and let them know why
How do I know if I am ready to adopt a dog?
Answer these 21 questions to help you assess if you are ready to be a dog parent.
How do dogs feel when adopted?
A lot of joy and relief
A dog is a family member. Adding a family member is a lot of responsibility, so take your time to decide
Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations on the current state of your pet
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