Cat cocktail, 5 in 1, 4 in 1, 3 in 1 vaccine—all details covered.


The cat cocktail vaccine is as important as the rabies vaccine for your cat. It protects your cat against the following diseases: feline enteritis, feline leukemia, feline rhinotracheitis, feline chlamydia, and feline calicivirus.

Be in contact with your local veterinarian to get your cat vaccinated.

5 in 1, 4 in 1, and 3 in 1 cat vaccines: what is the exact meaning?

5 in 1 cat vaccine is a combination of 5 vaccines in a single dose

4 in 1 cat vaccine is a combination of 4 vaccines in a single dose

3 in 1 cat vaccine is a combination of 3 vaccines in a single dose

What is a cat cocktail vaccine?

It is a mixture of 3–5 vaccines in a single dose given to cats at 8 weeks and 12 weeks to protect against the following diseases: feline enteritis, feline leukemia, feline rhinotracheitis, feline chlamydia, and feline calicivirus.

How often should my cat get the cocktail vaccine?

The vaccination schedule for the cat cocktail, 5 in 1, 4 in 1, or 3 in 1 vaccine

Number of shots for the cat cocktail vaccineThe age at which the cat receives the cocktail vaccine.
1st   Shot 8 weeks
2nd Shot  12 weeks
3rd ShotAnnually for the entire cat’s life

The vaccination schedule varies depending on the diseases prevalent in your area. Contact your local veterinarian to get a schedule suitable for your dog.

Do cats react to the cocktail vaccine?

It’s rare for cats to react when given a cocktail vaccine.

What should I do when my cat reacts to the cocktail vaccine?

Administer antihistamines

Rush to the nearest veterinary doctor.

What are the contents of the cat cocktail vaccine?

The contents of the cat cocktail vaccine vary depending on the brand of vaccine, but the most common contents are:

Feline enteritis vaccine, feline leukemia vaccine, feline rhinotracheitis vaccine, feline chlamydia vaccine, and feline calicivirus vaccine

What is the color of the cat cocktail vaccine?

The color varies based on the brand of vaccine; the most common colors are red, pink, yellow, cream, and colorless.

What is the difference between a cat cocktail vaccine and a dog cocktail vaccine?

Cat Cocktail is a cat vaccine that protects against feline enteritis, feline leukemia, rhinotracheitis, feline chlamydia, and feline calicivirus.

Dog Cocktail is a vaccine for dogs that protects against leptospirosis, canine distemper, parvovirosis, parainfluenza, canine infectious hepatitis, canine infectious laryngotracheitis, etc.

How much is a cat cocktail vaccine?

60,000shs ($16) to 130,000shs ($35), depending on the brand.

Where can I get the cat cocktail vaccine?

Contact +256709100015

What happens if my cat misses the cocktail vaccine?

You risk your cat contracting feline enteritis, feline leukemia, feline rhinotracheitis, feline chlamydia, and feline calicivirus.

How much of a cat cocktail vaccine should I give to my cat?

The dose of the cat cocktail vaccine is 1 ml per cat, irrespective of size, breed, age, and sex of the cat.

Where is the cat cocktail vaccine given?

Under the skin, preferably in the neck region

Which size of syringe should I use to vaccinate cats?

1 ml syringe with a fine-gauge needle

Which cats should not get the cocktail vaccine?

Cats that are allergic to the cocktail vaccine

Is a cocktail vaccine necessary for my cat?

Yes, it protects your cat against feline enteritis, feline leukemia, feline rhinotracheitis, feline chlamydia, and feline calicivirus.

Can I mix the cat cocktail and the rabies vaccines in the same syringe?

Do not mix the cat cocktail vaccine and the rabies vaccine.

Can I give the cat cocktail vaccine and rabies at the same time?


Can I give my pregnant cat a cocktail vaccine?

Do not vaccinate pregnant cats.

Can I deworm and vaccinate my cat at the same time?

Deworm and vaccinate at the same time. Worms cause stress in the body. Stress prevents the vaccine from working.

What is the best brand or type of cocktail vaccine for my cat?

The choice of brand for the cocktail vaccine depends on the diseases in your area and the predisposing factors.

Contact your area veterinarian to get a suitable brand for your cat.

How do I know if my cat got a cocktail vaccine?

Check the sticker on the vaccination card.

The sticker for the cat cocktail vaccine has the feline enteritis vaccine, feline leukemia vaccine, feline rhinotracheitis vaccine, feline chlamydia vaccine, and feline calicivirus vaccine.

My cat is bleeding from the injection spot of the cocktail vaccine. What should I do?

Put cotton on and apply gentle pressure.

My cat got a red spot at the injection spot of the cocktail vaccine:  should it bother me?

It usually resolves; however, if it increases in size, rush to the nearby veterinarian.

Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations on the current state of your pet 
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