Parvo Test for Dogs in Uganda


Parvo is the most diagnosed disease among puppies by vets in Kampala, Uganda.

However, if parvo is diagnosed based on clinical signs, it can be mistaken for other diseases with the same clinical signs.

Do laboratory tests to confirm parvo before any treatment commences.

In this blog post, we list parvo testing centers in Kampala, Uganda, explain how to perform and interpret a parvo rapid test and provide information on where to buy parvo test kits in Uganda.

Can I test for parvo in my dog?

Parvo is tested using a rapid test.

In Uganda, is there a parvo test for dogs?

Parvo tests are available in Uganda; contact +256771909946.

How much is a parvo test in Uganda?

Know the cost of a parvo test in Uganda.

How long does the Parvo rapid test take to produce results?

5-10 minutes

Is a parvo rapid test accurate?

The accuracy for most parvo rapid tests is 97%–99%, depending on the brand of kit used.

Where can I take my dog for a parvo test in Uganda?

Superior Animal Clinic (+256771909946) or contact the nearby veterinarian.

How can I tell if my dog needs a parvo test?

Symptoms like vomiting, lack of appetite, and bloody diarrhea certify your dog for a parvo test. 

History of no or incomplete vaccination

Where can I buy parvo rapid test kits in Kampala, Uganda?

Contact +256771909946 or visit a nearby veterinary clinic.

Which samples do you need for the parvo test?

Vomitus or feces

Are parvo rapid test kits available in Uganda?

Contact +256709100015

How can parvo be tested in dogs using the parvo antigen rapid test?

The ten steps of the canine parvo rapid test are:

Pick the kit and arrange all its contents, i.e., the test device, swab, buffer, and tube rack.

Place the buffer tube on the rack.

Remove the seal from the buffer tube.

Get the swab and place it in the rectum or anus of the dog.

Rotate the swab within the anus to collect enough samples.

Place the swab with fecal matter in the buffer tube.

Rotate the swab 15 times for sufficient sample collection.

Remove the test device from the package and place it on a clean, flat surface.

Vertically add three drops of the sample to the well S.

Read the results after 5–10 minutes.

How to interpret the results from the Parvo rapid test:

Positive: two red lines are formed.

Negative: one red line is formed at C (the control line).

Invalid: one red line is formed at T (test line).

Is parvo treatable?

Know the best treatment for parvo. 

What is the cost of parvo treatment in Uganda?

Know the price of parvo treatment in Kampala, Uganda.

Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations on the current state of your pet 
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