Pet health certificate for cats and dogs in Uganda


What you need to know about pet certificates for dogs and cats as a pet parent in Uganda as you prepare to travel aboard
What is a pet health certificate?

It is a document issued by a licensed veterinarian showing the health state of your pet that certifies your pet fit or unfit for travel.

Where can I get a pet health certificate in Uganda?

Superior Animal Clinic or contact +256709100015

How long does it take to get a pet health certificate?

Pet health certificates take 1-5 days to be issued.

How much is a pet health certificate in Uganda?

Pet health certificates cost 100,000 Ugandan shillings ($27) – 250,000shs Ugandan shillings ($68)

What does a pet health certificate contain?

Particulars of a pet, veterinarian, and pet owner

The vaccines given and their batch numbers.

Any disease or abnormalities found

Results from the physical checkup of the pet, i.e., heart rate, breathing rate, temperature, etc

Deworming records

Who is legally allowed to issue pet health certificates in Uganda?

A licensed veterinarian

How long does a pet health certificate stay valid?

14–30 days, depending on the country of destination

What if my pet doesn’t pass the health examination?

Your pet is unfit to travel. The vet will correct the abnormality before conducting another examination.

Do I need a health certificate to travel with my pet within Uganda?

No, you do not need a pet health certificate to move within the districts in Uganda.

What happens if my pet health certificate expires?

Go to a nearby licensed vet for another health certificate.

Why is a pet health certificate necessary?

It shows the health state of your pet.

It certifies a pet is either fit or unfit to travel.

I have two dogs who are siblings; can they share a health certificate?

No, they can’t. One pet health certificate per dog

Are blood samples needed to make a pet health certificate?

If the body parameters, e.g., heart rate, breathing rate, temperature, etc., are normal, no blood samples are required.

However, if the body parameters are abnormal, blood tests are run for a proper diagnosis.

Do I need to go with my pet to the vet to get a health certificate?

Yes, you have to take your pet to the vet. The veterinarian has to measure the body parameters of a pet before issuing a health certificate.

Which documents do vets need from me to make a health certificate for my pet?

Vaccination card

Previous medical reports

Deworming records

Ectoparasite control records

The microchip number of the pet

Can a sick pet get a health certificate?

Yes, a sick pet gets a health certificate indicating the sickness, but he won’t be fit to travel if the disease is infectious.

Veterinarians who make pet health certificates for dogs and cats in Kampala, Uganda

DR. RONALD +256709100015

Contact us call / WhatsApp +256771909946 for free consultations on the current state of your pet 
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